Monday, March 8, 2010

Jeff Bridges

If Jeff Bridges had paid attention to everything what has been written on him, he would have read in too much occasions for that there was still waiting the big role that should transform his career. In certain way, "The big Lebowski" fulfilled this condition, but "Crazy Heart" has been the movie that has rewarded him fully.

There turns out to be an example of poetical justice the one that the Oscar has got for a role that cannot be understood without the music. To his step along London to present the movie, Bridges was mentioning that he had doubted for years if he wanted to devote himself to the movies, and that the music had been his first passion.

"I love the music so much and it was wanting of that it was going out well that goes so far as to worry", he said on this small project that to point was of remaining buried on the market of the DVD. It was his interpretation what it saved to the movie and Hollywood has rewarded it with an Oscar.

I was in one of the interviews, along with a group of four or five journalists, which gave Bridges in London. It was a pleasure, and a mitigation, that the actor was taking the conversation with so many desire. For the actors, debit of being an authentic pain to spend most of the day receiving journalists, listening sometimes to the same questions, not all intelligent ones, and trying to sell the movie, which is of what it is a question. But there are some of them, as Bridges, which take it with humor, take his time to answer and do not have disadvantage of speaking about other movies of the past.

Bridge spoke about "Crazy Heart" and about other things. This is what I wrote on the interview. And yes, every it looks alike more to The Dude, the personage of "The big Lebowski", although I believe that the beard takes it as the shooting of the remake of "Value of law" with the brothers Coen.

The photo is of a meeting realized for the Sunday one of the NYT.

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